Ways to stay motivated when you don't want to go to work

Hey, we've all been there. Some days, it's a miracle we are able to get out of bed. Am I right?!

Here are some quick tips on how to stay motivated and get out of bed and into work mode!

1) Have a great playlist. Music is the best way to stay motivated because it can change your whole mood and outlook. Spotify has some great playlists to get you inspired if you need ideas or don't want to/have time to make your own.

2) Meditate/Yoga/Self Talk/Gratitude Talk. This is key. I used to put this off every day thinking I either didn't have time for it or it wasn't necessary. This has truly allowed me to change my perspective on the entire day, especially on days where it didn't come naturally. It can be as simple as waking up, not checking your smartphone first thing (hard, I know), and stating what you are grateful for and even excited for that day. A daily practice will allow you to create a good positive morning habit that will change your whole outlook on the day.

3) Create an exciting schedule! Work doesn't have to be what you've experienced in corporate. You are working for yourself, aren't you? While there are always things you're not going to want to do that come up (ahem, accounting anyone?) there will be times you can schedule in some time to go grab that cup of coffee you've wanted to with a fellow entrepreneur friend or take a walk through a cool area (for me, it would be Lincoln Park Zoo since it's so close) to really clear your mind and get inspired again.

4) Create rewards for yourself. What gets you really excited? If you get to work and finish XYZ, you'll get XYZ. It doesn't have to be expensive or really complicated but adding reward opportunities for yourself each day or week could be a good way to accomplish those goals but also have some fun, too.

5) Adding in fun workouts. I know, I know. It's gotta be more fun to drink calories than to burn them. BUT, if you check out the cool workout classes near you - whether it's at your local gym or at a specialty workout place - if you're into the type of workout or open to trying it - it could be something that really gets you excited about going to that day.

And if you still need another tip - might I suggest coffee?! Recent studies have shown that having coffee can add years to your life. Hey, I'll drink (coffee) to that!